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Live 'Bushfire Ready' with the RFS App


Lead Designer

Created at

Wunderman Thompson WPP


Strategic Direction

Creative Ideation

Rapid Design Visualisation



During research for the 'Live Bush Fire Ready' campaign, we observed the various digital tools that RFS has available and noticed that none of them speak to each other and the opportunity to improve their user experience. 

After noticing the bush fire survival plan that you can complete online, has a significant drop off rate before completion, we wanted to dig deeper and started our own digital product proposal to the NSW RFS.

To connect the fragmented resources on the the RFS website we proposed the idea of creating a personalised portal experience to tie-in these experiences into one place.  As accessibility to the greater NSW community was important, the website would provide an alternative to using the app.

Both platforms provide you with a live personalised risk assessment, access to resources and a way to engage with your surrounding community.
The RFS team immediately saw the value in the creation of this type of personalised portal. The concept is currently seeking funding from the NSW government for implementation.


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